Distance: 5.2 mi.
Time: 1:04:06
Pace: 12:19 mi/min
Time of day: 6:50 a.m.
Temp.: 36°F no wind chill, cool but clear. A beautiful morning to run.
Well now I know why I spent 3 days immersed in blackness.
This morning's run was awesome. I set a goal to run 5 miles in 60 minutes and although I missed it by a minute and a half I still shaved more than a minute off my best 5-mile time. That feels good. I also focused on steady breathing. I changed my mantra from 'slow and steady' to 'steady and strong'. I feel that phrase applies not only to my breathing but my pace and effort as well. It helps propel me up hills and keeps me even on flat stretches. I also chant, "I am strong. I run strong". In fact, I chant that alot.
I'm excited to run with Scott tomorrow. These are my goals. 1) Run the first half at a 13:15-13:30 pace. 2) Pick up the pace on the 2nd half to around 13:00. 3) Pick up the pace for the final quarter mile so I finish strong, not stumbling like a drunken sailor.
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