I have been unusually busy at work this week. And that's a good thing, don't get me wrong. But, in my line of business busy translates into starting early in the morning. So I haven't made it to the gym yet today. And I won't make it this evening. I need to rethink my workouts and figure out how to get them in.
Tomorrow I will need to run 6 miles in the afternoon. Saturday I am busy all day at a sewing event. Will I be able to hit the gym Saturday evening? That's a definite possibility. I could warm up for 1 mile, strength train, then run 2 miles on the treadmill. Sunday will be the LDR at 11 miles. Gee, I hope it doesn't rain. I think I will like running in the rain as much as I do sweating on the treadmill.
OK so I think that's a plan that will work. Now to implement it.
And, btw, I want to wish good, good luck to my daughter, The Chef. She has a hot food team competition this weekend in Indy. I'll be thinking of you, Sweetie!
Get your running in. THis is the last few weeks before the race and you need the miles to maintain your fitness. Try and make the most of the time you have to workout!!!