Sunday Stats:
2.0 mi. in 27:37 min. Short/easy run
Time of day: 1 p.m.
Temp: 40°F, WC 34°F
Monday Stats:
1.0 mi in 13:27 min. 0% incline Warm up for strength training
Time of day: 6:30 a.m.
Sunday's run was a needed short, easy run. I was pretty worn out after Saturdays 3.8 mile run. I could tell I was tired so I didn't push it, just a slower, easier pace. I noticed at one point I was even shuffling my feet slightly. So I paid special attention to my form after that. I don't think the shuffling was because I was really, really tired. I think I just lapsed into bad form.
It was beautiful outside. The sun was shining. I was overdressed in my cool Nike pants, a long-sleeved shirt, jacket, gloves & headband. I think when the WC or temperature is over 35°, I need to switch to regular weight running pants.
This morning (Monday) I experienced an unusual lack of motivation. I could have stretched back out on the bed and skipped the gym. But I didn't. I pushed myself out the door and had a good workout. I am up to 3 sets of each strength training exercise (15-12-10 reps). The weights are still light, in the 10-15 lb. range mostly. But I do not want to get stiff so I am not pushing myself on weight. One thing new I did today is rest longer between sets. I figured out how to use the timers in my GymBuddy app. I set the first one for 30 seconds and when I finished a set I started it. So I rested a full 30 seconds between each set which I have not done before. I think it helped me perform better with the slightly longer rest between sets.
Tomorrow is my first official 4 mile run. Oh yeah!
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