Saturday, December 5, 2009

Great to be Back

1.3 mi. in 34:20 min.

I took it slow this morning and ran a little later than I usually do. It felt good to get out there and run. I had promised DH that if I didn't feel good or got too cold (it was 27° F.), I would turn around and come home. I was none of those things. I am surprised at how good it felt.

Why am I surprised? I have never been enamored with exercise. On a logical, conscious level I understand the benefits, but I was never able to find anything I really liked doing enough that I would do it day after day. There are 2 exceptions. I loved step aerobics and I loved Jazzercize. My knees couldn't stand up to the step exercises. I got to the point where I couldn't go up and down our stairs, and I really hurt my back at Jazzercize and was scared to start back up. I also really like lifting weights but I would always get discouraged and quit before seeing any results. Any other kind of exercise I got bored with and quit. I was the Queen of Excuses as to why I couldn't work out. So even though I had to take 2 days off this week due to illness I am really proud of the fact that Wednesday I ran even though I felt bad and today I got right back at it—and it felt so good.

Something else I am really happy about regarding feeling good when running is the lack of stiffness and soreness. When I first started a few weeks ago my knees, ankles and feet ached everytime I went out to run. The feet, only a couple of days. But my ankles and knees hurt for a couple of weeks; actually, up until just this week. I thought I might not be able to do this because of my knee joints hurting. But this week I noticed that they didn't hurt. I didn't have to run for 10 minutes before they felt "loose". And I also noticed they don't hurt in the morning when I wake up. I guess the old adage, "Use 'em or lose 'em", really is true.

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