Distance: 4.8 mi.
Time: 1:01:05
Pace: 12:44/mi.
Time of day: 3:30 p.m.
Temp: 39°F, 30°F WC
It was a beautiful day to run! The sun was shining brightly. Only a slight wind. No rain, no snow or ice. Glorious!
I have 2 reasons to feel so much better. First, I am able to run again! I was very happy to be outside running, especially since it was such a beautiful day. I didn't plan to run 4.8 mi. but I misjudged the distance of a new leg on my route. So I feel good that I ran that far. Also, my pace was faster than I have been running. (It would have been even better, but I had to stop & tie my shoe! What's up with that?) I made a concerted effort to run just a bit faster. Not so much that I am exhausted though. I think I tend to get stuck in more of a warm up speed than a run speed. So after I had run for 1/4 mile to warm up I picked up the pace and worked to keep that faster pace. I am pleasantly tired.
My ankle is a little stiff after the run. But I think it is o.k. It isn't painful, just kind of stiff. So I'm happy about that.
Now for the 2nd reason I feel so much better. I discovered that the reason I twisted my ankle is not because I'm a klutz, but because the road has a definite uneven spot where I turned my ankle last week. I ran the same route I started on last Thursday and when I reached the point where I fell, I paid special attention to the road surface. I didn't see anything then but on the return trip over the same spot, I almost fell again due to a marked unevenness of the road surface. Here's the deal. This road was recently resurfaced and the shoulders were topped off with this very fine gravelly stuff. You can't readily see where there might be a dip in actual black top. But now I know! I'll be careful in that spot and run a little closer to the traffic lane when it is safe. I'm so happy I'm not as klutzy as I thought!
So tomorrow is my regularly scheduled rest day. And, Coach Jeni told me not to "run, run, run" when I get back on the road. So I guess I'll take tomorrow off and hit the gym again on Thursday. I'm still thinking about the weight issue. Then Friday I get to run again. Yeah! And on Saturday Coach Jeni (and all my beautiful grandchildren) will be here for the weekend and Jeni & I will get to run together. I'm so excited! Oh yes. I'm also excited because this weekend is the big birthday party for The-Love-Of-My-Life!
Life is good!
Life is good!