Wednesday's Stats
Distance: 1.68 mi.
Time: 23:28 min.
Pace: 13:57 min/mi
Time of day: 4:45 p.m.
Temperature: 85°F. sunny, warm, breezy, but absolutely beautiful
So there I was running along feeling great, listening to my music, letting my mind wander, reveling in the recent 2 lbs. weight loss and, "Ouch!" Crap, I did it again. I turned my left ankle. Of course, the acute pain stopped me in my tracks, but it went away pretty quickly. But I have a half marathon to run in 10 days so I turned around and limped home.
RICE to the rescue! I fixed myself a bowl of Cheerios for dinner and plopped down in front of the TV with ice and elevation for my ankle. There I stayed for the next 3 hours, not moving even to go the bathroom. When I did get up, I was pleased to find that although a bit tender on the outside of my ankle I could walk without pain or limping.
This morning I got up and, again, there is that sore spot on the outside of my ankle, but I'm walking and feeling o.k. I put on my elastic ankle brace thingy to compress the area and give it support.
No running or exercising today. Tomorrow is a scheduled 3 mile run I will attempt. But there is no way I'm messing around with this minor injury. I will be in top form for the Go! St. Louis race in 4/11.
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