Friday Stats
Distance: 3.02 mi.
Time: 37:00 min.
Pace: 12:16 min/mi.
Time of Day: 3:40 p.m.
Temperature: 75F, bright sunny, windy
The ankle didn't bother me a bit, thank goodness. But boy was it windy. Not my fastest time, but I wasn't pushing it due to both the ankle and this being a taper week.
Because it was so warm and because I was running on the school track (off the road and away from half the town seeing me) I decided to wear my new running shorts. Yep, I put the chubby thighs in shorts. I thought I was o.k. but they bunched up miserably between the legs. I'm glad I tried them out, but I guess the thighs need to get thinner before shorts work for me.
Because there wasn't any school Friday, there were a bunch of middle-school age kids hanging out around the track and field. They apparantly had been playing a pick up game of soccer, but when I was there they were just hanging out. As I rounded the turn on the track where they were, I had visions of them losing control of the soccer ball, it rolling on to the track, tripping me, breaking my leg and keeping me from running the half maration next weekend. Is this where my beautiful granddaughters get their dramatic personalities? Anyway, thank goodness it didn't happen and I was able to finish my run in good fashion.
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