Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Look Back at Summer Running

Distance: 3.05 mi.
Time: 37:10 min.
Pace: 12:11 (m/mi)
Time of Day: 6:15 a.m.
Weather: 72°F, warmer & more humid

First before I look back at my stats over the last 3 or months—I hit my 10 min. mark at .82 mi. again today! I wasn't sure I would make it because it was pretty humid and I was having trouble early on. But I pushed myself and I made it!

So here's what I did over the last few months.

Distance: 83:57 mi.
Duration: 18:25:17
Avg Pace: 13:14 (m/mi)

Pretty good  considering I ran my first half-marathon in April.

Distance: 34:07 mi.
Duration: 7:05:43
Avg Pace: 12:30 (m/mi.)

Wow! I really increased my pace but my total mileage is way down. A sign of the heat that was settling in. 

Distance: 62:47 mi.
Duration: 13:40:04
Avg Pace: 13:06 (m/mi)

A little slower pace but better consistency and total mileage. Most of the miles were logged before the 20th. 

Distance: 34.96 mi.
Duration: 7:17:38
Avg Pace: 12:31 (m/mi)

I ran only 6 days before the 20th. It was hot, humid & miserable. I just gave up. 

Here is what I think I learned from my first summer of running. Consistency is important. I learned that running several times a week, even if only a short distance, is much better physically and psychologically for me. I need the routine in my life and the daily dose of sunshine & being out-of-doors.

Better to run shorter distances more frequently than longer distances once in a while. When it is hot & humid I need to shorten my time and distance. Again, several short runs vs. one long run in a week is more beneficial. 

Just to remind myself, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported this morning that this summer is going down in the books as the 4th hottest summer on record. There weren't any individual daily records set, but the consistency of 90°+ days and 70°+ nights is what made it so hot. I really am not crazy-it was hot, humid & miserable. 


  1. It's so true about consistancy! It's a lesson I should apply to my running as well. I have a mental block that a short run isn't worth it, but as you point out, several short runs a week are better than either not running or just one long run a week. Very insightful!

    Way to keep up running during, despite the heat and humidity! Even though you cut back, you never stopped completely and that's a major accomplishment in itself!

  2. Thanks, Jeni. I truly appreciate your support.
